From Guv'ner to Governor

I’ve been called Guv’ner in England for years. “Here you are Guv’ner!” as they hand a pint across the bar. It would be a natural transition for me to assume the official title of Governor here in Minnesota. After you watch this YouTube video “If I Were the Governor of Minnesota” I think you will agree that I have a compelling legislative agenda! After all, who wouldn’t prefer a corn dog instead of a new Yellow Pages??  

    I don’t have many music gigs lined up, so it seemed like a good time to run a write-in campaign. I’m not doing it for the salary ($123,912 in 2015) – I just want the power and the media coverage.   

  I was visiting my family in England when Jesse Ventura won the election in 1998. I distinctly remember how proud I was that my fellow Minnesotans had shown the courage to do something different. I’m all about different!

  I just ask that you watch the video and give careful consideration to my positions! Thank you.

 Nigel Egg

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