Newsletter for Jan 25, 2011

My friend Richard Kronick sent the following gig email out to his friends… I have nothing to add, except, Wow! Thank you! You made my day!

 Hi y'all,

 This Saturday, 1/29, from 8 to 10:30, at the Riverview Cafe and Wine Bar, 3753 42nd Ave. So., Minneapolis. I'll be playing upright bass with singer/guitarist/harmonicist/songwriter Nigel Egg. 

 Now, I know what some of you are thinking: Nigel Egg?!  What a weird name!  Well, I'm going to reveal what you already figured out: It's not his real name.  His name is Nigel Eccleston, but "Nigel Egg" is a good indication of his brand of creativity.  Nigel is quirky.  His humorous songs tend to be snarky and not just a little bent -- in ways that make audiences laugh and applaud loudly.  But not all of Nigel's songs are snarky and sarcastic.  He's also written some very thoughtful songs and some very beautiful songs.  But I'm tellin' ya: they're all GREAT!  And it's not just because he's so darned creative.  It's also because he is a true song craftsman.  He works at it all the time.  He hones a song until it reaches out and grabs you.  As a result, Nigel has won top awards in song-writing competitions in Austin, Texas; Telluride, Colorado; and right here in Minnesota.  You can see what I mean by clicking on this link: .

 Oh, by the way, we'll do some of my songs too. 

See you out there,


 Thanks, Dick! Jeez, after reading that, I can hardly wait to hear myself!

 I’ll also mention that we play some cover tunes that might surprise you. Dick and I have been playing music together (sporadically) since 1974 and we’ve covered some doozies in our time!

Thanks for reading, hope you can make it. Next Saturday we’re playing together at Dusty’s Bar in Northeast Minneapolis, February 5th.


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